Refund Policy

How to cancel service

For credit card payments:

  • From the main account dashboard, click on the upper right menu and click on ‘MY ACCOUNT’
  • Click on ‘Cancel Subscription Now’
  • A pop up window will appear to confirm; click ‘Yes, cancel!’

For Paypal payments:

  • Log In to your PayPal account through
  • Click on the ‘Activity’ Tab
  • Click on ‘ LLC’
  • Click on ‘Manage LLC payments’
  • Click on ‘Cancel’
  • Pop up window will appear to confirm; click ‘Cancel Profile’

Double charges

If you have seen double charges on your account, this could be due to issues with renewing an expired account or technical issues upon registering. If you do notice that there are multiple charges for the same month, please contact us so we can investigate your account. Please remember that if you renew your account with new credit card information, you have to log back into the site and cancel your first created account.

Cancel 72 hours prior to recurring payment

If you would like to cancel your subscription to BPM Latino, please make sure you cancel at least 72 hours prior to your reoccurring payment to ensure that a payment is not processed on your account. You can cancel your account at any time and will still have access to your account for the full 30 days you paid for. BPM Latino does not issue any refunds for any payments that have already been applied and are not responsible for canceling accounts.

How to receive a refund

Once your refund has been approved by the Billing Department, please allow 5–7 business days for BPM Latino to process the refund. The refund will be sent to the same account that the original was made. So if you paid with a credit card, your refund will be sent to that card. If you paid with Paypal, your refund will be sent to your Paypal account. Once your banking establishment accepts the refund you will see the refund in your transactions.

Double charge refund – No Refund Over 90 days

If you have seen double charges on your account, this could be due to issues with renewing an expired account or technical issues upon registering. If you do notice that there are multiple charges for the same month, please contact us so we can investigate your account. Please remember that if you renew your account with new credit card information, you have to log back into the site and cancel your first created account.

No refunds will be provided after charge has been applied

See above. BPM Latino does not issue any refunds for any payments that have already been applied and are not responsible for canceling accounts.

All sales are final

BPM Latino does not issue refunds unless it is an issue of double billing within 90 days.